Freelance educator and consultant in transformative justice. Vanessa Faloye offers her consulting services as a facilitator, curriculum designer, and consultant.

Collective Liberation Practitioner

Facilitator | Designer | Trainer | CONSULTANT

I create the conditions for the practice of responsibility in relationship to self, other, and us.


What I Do


I facilitate shared spaces and processes that grasp at the root causes and complexities of oppression; in service of collective liberation.


I design and develop curricular programmes and projects that gather people, purpose, and praxis; in service of transformative justice.


I deliver trainings and learning experiences that teach the concepts, principles, and lineage of change-making; in service of critical pedagogy


I support leaders with ways to shape and shift organisational culture and participation; in service of diversity, equity, and inclusion.


In order to dismantle tools of oppression, cultures of supremacy, and cycles of dehumanisation.


How I Practice

Emergent Strategy

An approach that weaves complexity thinking, transformative justice, queer black feminism, nature’s design, taoist principles, and the practices of facilitation, mediation, and organising - for the purpose of liberating relationships, communities, organisations, and social movements and getting in right relationship with the planet.

Unconditional Positive Regard

A skillset in relating to difference as we encounter it in ourselves and in others; differences we experience as threatening or unsettling. Made up of four skills: congruence, empathy, empathic listening, and UPR. Grounded in personal sovereignty and both/and thinking.

Visionary Leadership

A practice of leading from deep purpose, unconditional sovereignty, and committed integrity. This is a leadership like no other in mastering the skills of visioning, creativity, influence, interdependence, and relating to difference. It’s the fine art of leading with what you have, making your unique contribution, and co-creating something entirely different with your followership.


 So that I may shape change towards a world of collective freedom, born of a greater we.
